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I have a great idea: add multiplayer to this game. Online multiplayer. PLS.

I know, that would be a great addition. But unfortunately I cannot do that right now. 

Making online games is different to making regular games. If I'd wanted to add multiplayer, I'd have to rewrite the entire code of this game, as if I started making it from the scratch.


Are you talking about Scratch, the blockly coding site?

No, by starting from scratch, I meant starting from the very beginning (I should have written "from scratch" not "from the scratch", sorry). The game has been made, and is still being worked on, in Unity engine.


You have to wait, he's not going to put multiplayer system in this game now, if he wanted to put multiplayer on this game, then he had to start the script from ZERO!


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I just survived 36 rounds, My hands are sweaty and my heart is racing.

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my hands braking my butts craping my fingers cramping

:O Really?

i think i beat your sco lol

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Melee weapons take stamina. If you're running low on stamina, you might not be able to attack, until it regenerates a bit.

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i hAd 0 Hp aNd wAs sTiLl aLiVe?!?

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From a technical point of view, health is stored in a floating point number. But when it's displayed, it is rounded down. So you probably had something like 0.5 hp.

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oOf HeLlO ItS mE wHitTy 2.0 BuT He Is No MoRe

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I Am tHe mOsT PoWeRfUl

You mean monument treasure? You only get 10000 points for selling them (which now that I think about, perhaps is not a very good trade offer). 

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Game balancing is not my strongest suit, tho I think I've got a tip for you. When the game starts, try to find a melee weapon (preferably crowbar). If you can't find food around, you could get it from breaking barrels. And also, try to keep some spare food you found when it's possible.

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You can swim by holding the crouch button, while standing on water (This will not work on shallow waters of course). When swimming, you simply use WSAD keys to swim around, and space bar to swim up.

Deleted 3 years ago
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wow i thought i could go in monuments and not get shot cause i have a hazmat suit on maybe add that cause it makes sense? maybe make a online mode to? and chat or like voice chat

Unfortunately, making online games is completely different to making regular games. That being said, implementing online modes, to a game that was worked on without the intention of including such modes later, is almost impossible.

And also, I don't think how hazmat suits are supposed to protect you from people whose main job is to kill everyone who approaches their monument.

However, cool tip: you can go in monuments and not get shot, if you find a cardboard box!

can you try to make a bit less laggy for chromebook if possible?

Probably not. I tried to optimize that game as much as possible, but the current state is the best that I could do.

Also, chromebooks in general, aren't really that good for games.

wow a april fools fake update



Ragdolls make me go Y E S.

Awesome gameplay btw.

I knew adding ragdolls would be a great idea! Thanks!


yw :D

Very very good! I just have a question: Will there ever be a proper Inventory, and a proper free-roam mode?

I'm glad that Todd Howard himself enjoyed my game! Now, I don't entirely understand what you mean with proper free-roam mode. If by that you mean a mode where you don't need to worry about nukes, well, I was considering adding a custom game mode where you'd be able to customize a lot of gameplay aspects (including enabling/disabling nukes). I might add it, however I don't think I'll change the current inventory system. Having ~6 items at once in this game, is usually more than enough.

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u should make the guards a little bit worse.

also the guards can go through the building walls

alos the guns have way to much recoil...

... and a tank... 

i need a tank

Strange, there was once problem with guards going through walls, however I thought I fixed that. Guess I'll have to inspect that issue, once I get back to the development. As for the guards difficulty (is that what you meant by making them worse?), well sorry but they were meant to be hard. If you're having trouble raiding a monument, try sneaking in, and/or find items that could potentially help you in your raid.

I figured out that you can just run through most monuments

That depends on difficulty level, and on which time you choose to run through a monument. 

Since NPCs check for possible enemies every few seconds, you can run past them without getting noticed, though that is pretty risky and might not always work.

I might change it in the future.

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dude this a masterpiece! nice work on this it reminds me of tarkov

Thanks, though I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. Also, I was actually partially inspired by Escape from Tarkov.

i tried looking up tarkovs escape but i couldn't find it could u post a link? Great game!

Thanks! As for the other game, it is called "Escape from Tarkov", the game's website is  here I guess.

could you make a car or tank or plane thing?

I could, but I can't guarantee that right now.

dude chill dont post ever hour

i had a feeling that the hazmat suit didnt do anything but  slow you down or does it protect you from nuke? never thought of that :(

The hazmat suit does not protect you from the nuke. It only protects you from the radiation and from fire, by taking all of the damage on it's durability.

ok thx




noooooooo round 3 and i died of starvation


i tried to kill a army man with my axe even tho i had a shotty didnt work out


Well I'm glad you've enjoyed it!

how do i attach the grenade launcher thing to my gun

Just drop your gun, and click on it while holding an attachment. In order to remove attachments, throw your gun on a ground (the gun won't break in that case).


I somehow just shot a grenade and it killed me in horde mode, is this an exploit or a function of the game?

Did you use gun picked from mutant's drop? Sometimes, these guns can have a bonus gun attachment. One of them is grenade launcher, which replaces the option to aim down the sights, with the option to fire a grenade. And yeah, you can hurt yourself with explosions in horde mode, so be careful!

I have a challenge to everyone, try to beat the game but  in order to leave you must clear every monument in populated maps, (except round 1).

A cool idea, but I wouldn't recommend doing that right now. The amount of monuments is random from 0-2, and they can be scattered all over the map. Without maps (items), you can't be really sure if you have cleared all the monuments.

Also this game is amazing and funny! You truly are a great programmer .

You should remake this game and add more weapons, a longer timer, larger areas, more equipment (like a armoured trench coat), a gamemode disabling nukes but adds more mutants  over time, and just basically just making the game as  fair and fun as possible.

(also could you add more survivors and survivor settlements), thanks from, GH05T 

You probably could add more food loot to the game too, I can hardly find food in cities but can find plenty in villages or forests.

I am currently working on a new version, which is supposed to be sort of like a remake. One of the main additions will of course be more items, but I also do actually plan to make survivors a bit more varied. I'm also planing to add special biomes, one of which could be survivors camp! As to making gamemode disabling nukes, well I could do that easily, but I don't think that would fit the game's theme. There's also no need to make larger areas; maps are big enough, they just need more variety in the land types. 

The update should come out December 1st, but due to me being busy irl, I don't know if there will be any delays. But all in all, thanks for the feedback, and for playing!

Is there anyway to kill the blue soul like thing that flies around on the ship map?

I accidentally threw a molotov cocktail on myself and then I couldn't get out of the fire because a mutant cornered me.

Yes. It's just like a regular mutant, but is invisible and leaves a blue trail behind. The most efficient way to kill it (aside from burning or blowing it up), is to make it follow you in a straight line, and then just shoot at it.

I've found that a minigun is the most effective when you randomly shoot at it.

I survived 10 rounds with a record of 2150. I only killed on mutant.

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I also got a DB shotgun on the second round. Thought guns were supposed to be rare.

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They are rare not impossibly hard to find, also I survived 15 rounds without a single kill to my name. Partially why I like this game so much is you could sneak around everything and get by,  or get a gun and blast all living creatures in your sights.

The main thing killing me is hunger.

try to hold three pieces of food during the first round, eat one find another.

When you reach a desolate map leave immediately if you don't have enough food to scavenge a long period of time, this will allow you to keep a management of inventory. 

Only have one weapon if you don't have a backpack, weapons take up space and only will be used in combat or when breaking barrels. 

Try to get a military backpack and raid stores in the city, you'll need the space and the stores are the most loot you'll get in city areas.

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I was playing horde mode and I made  really stupid decision. I decided to drink vodka right after getting lit on fire by  a fire zombie. It got really crazy because my view was every where and I couldn't see where I was going.

The zombies will get stuck o the dirt piles in between the ramp/stairs in the horde mode on the map Shopping Mall.

I'm back. I think there is a bug with the buttons in the title screen were they will sometimes sense that you are hovering your mouse over them while you are hovering your mouse over the button just below them.

Welcome back. I think that bug might be caused by the fact, that buttons which increase their size when selected, also increase their bounding boxes. So if you select different button, but your cursor is still on a button that got scaled up, the game will sense that you are still hovering on that previous button. That however will be fixed, since I'm planning to rework the main menu.

As for the zombies getting stuck on dirt piles (actually they're sandbags), this is due to their code not really being optimized for pathfinding. Though I'm planning to rework mobs' code, and to implement proper pathfinding after that.

Oh, they looked like dirt piles to me.

Up your graphics and they have the quality of sandbags

Super awesome gameplay, but i have noticed that when i use my trackpad, recoil is very high on all guns. 

I haven't tried playing this game on a trackpad, but I can image that it could be difficult; I'd recommend playing this with a regular mouse. Though if that helps: try using iron sights, they decrease recoil by 50%, try looking down when firing, to manage the recoil, and try not to fire constantly, but rather in short bursts. Other than that, thank you for playing!

this is a really great game 10/10


What do I do if a mountain  generates in front of the exit?

Since exits can be accessed from any side, you can just climb on a mountain, and then carefully slide from it to the roof of the exit.


This is really good but the guardians are over powered.

And one of the maps doesn't load in causing the player to fall out of the map.

That happens to me too.

Thank you for playing, and for the feedback! Guards currently seem overpowered, but that is actually caused by a bug that I've overlooked, though the next version I'm making has it fixed. The map not loading, is a really, REALLY rare bug; I'll try to fix it, but given it's rare occurrence, it might be a bit harder.

try hitting their arms from around corners, they don't have pathfinding yet so they'll try to kill you from corners and miss 

I've shot mutants from around corners before. When you shoot them from around corners they break free from the corner and actually have a chance of getting to you.

Oh ok, for some reason I thought you were talking about mutants in the horde mode. Once I went into a monument with an axe and I stealth killed 99% of the guardians. As I was making my way down I fell all the way to the bottom and I got finished off by a guardian that I just so happened to fall right in front of.

this is a really nice game 

Thanks, I'm glad you like it!

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